Tuesday 18 July 2017

How To Treat Your Spouse In Presence Of In-Laws

Image result for spouse and inlaw gathering 
 How do you treat your spouse when you are both in the midst of your parents or siblings?
Do you totally forget about him or her under the excuse that you are trying to catch up with all the family gist? Do you pay less attention
to him or her, do you leave them totally to themselves?
The feeling of rejection is like a sting and it hurt down to the marrows especially, when it comes from a loved one.

  Failing to carry your spouse along when you are with your family gives a very wrong signal. Even without saying a word, by so doing, you have actually revealed so much about your relationship. It shows there is no bond between you, and even if there is, then it is a very thin one. It shows  there is no respect, no connectivity, worst of all, it strongly shows there is no love.

  It is important to ensure that your partner flows along with you, when you are in the midst of your relative, in a very mature way, make him or her feel relevant. Make them always realise, that he or she is now a part of your family too. Remember, your partner will be shown the same measure of respect you give him or her in the presence of your family.

  When your relative come visiting, how do you treat your spouse before them?. Do you make them feel they are the king while your spouse is second fiddle? Does your husband have a say in his home when your parents or sibling are around or must he  fulfill and obey their every wish and command?
We must realise that the way we treat our spouse is important; the way we treat them before others, especially our relative is far more important .
  If you respect your spouse in the presence of your relative, honestly, you are indirectly respecting yourself and your marriage or relationship. It shows that you have a strong bond and it will be difficult for anyone to break that bond.

  However, if you belittle your spouse before your parents or sibling, forgetting that you are now married and that you and your spouse are now one, you also belittle yourself. They will not hesitate to ridicule or disrespect him or her at any given opportunity. There will be no respect, after all you never respected him or her before them.

  Even if you are the one taking care of the finances at home as a wife or if you are  having any form of misunderstanding with your husband, before your relative, still treat him like a king. He must always be seen as a king before your relative, nothing less. 

The day or moment you treat him less, your family will likely conclude that you are married to a "nobody" and that everyone is free to treat him as such.

  Same goes for your wife, it is very important you give your wife the deserved respect before your relative, treat her like your Queen, not only at home, even before everyone, especially among your relative. It is not right to toss your wife aside when in the midst of relatives, remember she is the one who complements you. No one else, not even your relative. There will be no husband, if there is no wife.

  The reality is that, if you give room for any or every member of your family to think less of  your spouse because of the way you treat him or her before them, it could have a negative effect on  your relationship.Your spouse may not be able to understand the reason(s) for such action and may conclude you do not value him or her.
  We all know, everyone loves to be respected, it hurts more when we are ignored or made irrelevant by our loved one, especially when they do that in the presence of relatives. The feeling of rejection, anger or pain it could cause, may  take a long time to heal.That is if it heals at all!
So, when  next we are in a family gathering, always show your relatives that your spouse matter and should be respected and never the other way round. It is important for a healthy and happy relationship.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the write up. Very rich.


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