Monday 31 July 2017

10 Things Every Husband Should Know About His Wife

Image result for things a wife should know about her husband
To bring out the best in your wife and have a fun filled marriage, as a husband, it is important to know and understand her.

Although  in many societies, it is expected that a wife should be conversant with the likes and dislikes of her husband and  many people would agree that an ideal wife, is the one who should have those knowledge at the back of her palms and if possible, well embedded in her heart, a husband too  has a great role to play for a marriage to work.

In as much as I think it is right and normal, for a wife to go the extra mile, in ensuring she knows her husband well enough, I also think it takes two, to make a marriage work.

I am of the opinion that, husbands equally need to put in a lot of effort, to ensure that a marriage thrives on a smooth sail.
It is very important for a man to also know his wife. To take out time to study his wife, know her likes and dislikes .This way, both would be sailing on the same boat and without doubt, that is one of the prerequisites of a healthy marriage.

Finding out certain things about your wife is an indication that you want to help your marriage, things would flow so naturally and easily and with little effort, you would surely bring out the best in her.
There would be no room for unnecessary quarrels, irreconcilable differences or conflicts.

You will realise, that marriage is so interesting and full of fun that you wouldn't dream to let go. So what are those things every husband should know about his wife?

  • Her Favourite Colour: As simple as it may sound, colours are important to women. Most women love fashion, gifts and a well decorated apartments. The colours of these things could influence how much they appreciate them. To make your wife happy, with the gifts you give her, always consider her favourite colour while making a choice.
  • Food: Do you know your wife's favourite food?  Can you by any chance prepare it for her as a surprise? It is really nice and thoughtful to know what your wife loves eating. 
  • Choice of Perfume: Your wife probably may love wearing a particular perfume or may just love the fragrance of your perfume, try to always have it around. 
  • Her Family: You should treat her family as yours too. A husband who respects and cherishes his in- laws will always be adored by his wife. Know her family, be nice to them all and  treat them well at all times, even if they are not so nice to your wife or you, you should play your part and be good to them all.
  • Her Favourite Song: This will always work like magic, especially when she is in a bad mood or frowning at you. Set her mood right with her favourite song and that can only be done, if you know it.
  • Her Birthday: Please know your wife's birthday and try to remember the date. It is quite annoying when  husbands don't remember their wive's birthdays. We love it  when husbands, e their busy schedule notwithstanding, still remember our special day. You could write it in a diary or save it on your phone, so you don't forget. Endeavour to always be the first to wish your wife well on her birthday, don't allow Facebook or Twitter to beat to you to it!
Image result for a wife and her friends
  • Her Friends: As a husband, it is not enough to know your wife has friends. It is your responsibility to know her circle of friends. You should know who she relates and mingles with, the type of people they are and know if they should be her friends or not. More so, you should  also be willing to accept her friends as long as they are the right set of people.
  •  Her Movement: At a given point in time, you should know exactly where your wife is or at least, have an idea of where she should be. I am not saying a husband should stalk his wife or start monitoring her movement, rather  he should know where his wife should be any 'time T'.  A husband should be aware of his wife's movement, when there is love and understanding, it is certainly would not pose a problem.
  • Her Favourite Sex Position: If you must know, this is one of the root cause of extra marital affairs in women! How things play out in the 'other room' is very important. As a husband, this is one of your major 'assignments', know your wife. How and when she wants you to touch her and where she prefers to be touched,  are yours to discover.  Understand her body language, know what arouses her. Love making between couples should be enjoyed, with lots of fun and excitements.
  • Her Health: It is important to know your wife's health. Know when she is alright and when she needs medical help. Please do not ignore your wife's health, take good care of her. When she is pregnant, support and care for her because she needs you more, at that period. After putting to bed, it is also your responsibility, as her husband to assist her with the baby. Don't leave everything to your wife to do, show some concern and care, and you'll see how much she would appreciate you.

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