Saturday 1 July 2017

How To Cope With A Cheating Partner

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I guess no amount of words can really take away the pain you feel when you realise  your significant other has been cheating on you.

Realising that all the efforts and commitment you put into the relationship to ensure it works  has been dashed by your spouse's infidelity, could be heart rendering.

Certainly you would feel angry, disappointment, ridiculed, betrayed and sad. But, no matter how horrible it makes you feel to realise this, you can still handle the situation.

Although there are no genuine excuse for cheating in a relationship, people cheat for different reasons and  you'll  only wonder why they choose to  take the risk.
Sometimes, It could be for sexual satisfaction, for revenge, lack of self control,  for emotional connections, troubled marriage or relationship, loneliness or for no reason at all!

Even if you cannot change your spouse, I believe strongly that your attitude and how you handle  the situation could greatly influence him or her to change. So, how do we cope with a cheating partner especially when we know that we still love him or her?

  • Get Your Facts Right: You have to confirm your suspicions. You must be sure that your spouse is actually cheating. Infidelity is a serious relationship issue and it has been the reason for many breakups and failed marriages. 
  • Never Take The Blame : It is not your fault that a spouse decided to betray their marital vows. Do not accept responsibilities for his/her emotional failure. You have no reason to feel guilty. People who cheat always use the blame game as their first weapon of self defence.You are the one who has been hurt, who has been betrayed and not the other way round.
  •  Express Your self: Do not keep quite about it. It would not help you and neither would it help your spouse. Make him realise you are aware of his or her  actions and talk   maturely about it .
  • Be In Control: You have to control your emotions. True, you have been hurt and all of your senses are telling you to probably get aggressive or take a drastic action but it is actually the best time to be surprisingly calm. Be calm , surprise your spouse because he or she wouldn't expect such disposition. So just try and relax and you would be in a better frame of mind to handle things. What is the use of becoming violent over someone who obviously did not care about what you share for each other in the first place.
  • Ask Questions: You have the right to ask why your spouse cheated or is still cheating on you and who he or she is involved with. Find out the reason for his or her infidelity. Is it something you can work on from your own end? If so, why not try to fix things.
  • Be Forgiving: If your spouse is remorseful, try to forgive and move on. I know it could be difficult to trust someone that betrayed our trust in the first place but no matter how hard it seems, try to  let it go, so that you can both move on.
  • Be Focused: You know exactly what you want in life and in your marriage. You certainly are not confused or distracted, the cheating partner is the one with the problem not you. So don't allow yourself to be weighed down or frustrated, stay focused. Get something doing if you are not working, do things that would take your mind off the situation. If you need to visit your family, friends or go on a short vacation, to take the stress and pain away, please do. 
  • Prayers: A cheating spouse more than anyone else needs your prayers. Pray for him or her. You can't get anywhere by fighting, shouting or complaining. Pray for him or her and let God do the rest.

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