During daily activities, water is lost by the body and this certainly needs to be replaced.
Drinking plenty amount of water helps prevent:
- Dryness of the skin and also dandruff: This often occurs as a result of dehydration, you need lots of water to replenish the skin.
- Blood pressure : The human blood contains mostly water. When water becomes inadequate in the body, it can cause thickness of the blood, consequently blood pressure.
- Wrinkling of the body: Dehydration could make the body begin to wrinkle. Certainly, you do not want to look older than you really are do you?
- Joint pains and back pain :Joints and muscle need fluids (water) to function, ensure you drink lots of water daily to avoid pains in the joint.
- Day time tiredness: Fatigue could also be a sign of dehydration.
- Digestive problems or constipation: Our bowels need plenty of water to function properly. Depriving your digestive system the much need water for easy flow of solids could cause constipation.
- Urinary Tract Infection: The kidney and most organs of the body require lots of water too.
Please remember that tea, coffee, wine, sweetened drinks, beer are no replacement for water. Guess what? Scientists say they even take water away from your body because of their chemical components! So stay hydrated and drink plenty of water everyday. What could be more refreshing than a glass of water ?
For real