Friday 26 May 2017

10 Things Every Wife Should Know About Her Husband

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It takes a wife bestowed with a high degree of patience to judiciously run a home and the one with lots of grace to keep her husband happy.

Every man is unique and distinct in his own way just like every woman. However, there are some traits that tie most men together, call it the 'male factor' and understanding this, is the key to a happy home.

Creating a happy home is no easy feat and requires a great measure of commitment and personal sacrifice. A wife therefore has a huge role to play in keeping her home and making her husband happy.
It's expected that she should be conversant with her husband's strength, flaws, likes, dislike and most importantly, temperament. There are those salient things a wife ought to know about her husband to ensure a smooth relationship and ultimately, a happy home. So read on, as we examine those things every wife should know about her husband.

Husbands Are Not Mind Readers

Every wife should understand that her husband can't read her mind. You need to let out your thoughts for him to respond or take an anticipated action. Most times, wives assume husbands should know what they have bottled up inside, but it doesn't work that way all the time. You need to come out clear with your words. My humble advise, if you want something from your husband, open up and tell him about it in clear words.
Treat Him As A King

Husbands love it when they know they are important in every area of their wife's live. Carry him along in everything you do. Seek his opinion and ask for his advise. Treat him with respect and make him realise he is the king of your heart.

Husbands Love To Be Appreciated
Every wife should learn to appreciate her husband. Appreciate every of his effort and sometimes, the intention behind some them. Learn to say a simple thank you and you'll see how far he would be willing to go for you.

Husbands Also Love To Be Pampered

Believe it or not, beneath that strong husband is a baby who needs to be loved! Give him the attention he deserves. Show your husband that he is loved, make him feel loved, pamper him once in a while , call him pet names and tell him sweet words. All the love and affection should not be centred on the kids alone, spare some for your husband too. You can also read 10 Things Every Husband Should Know About His Wife

Help Him Get Organised

When it comes to getting his personal items organised, you've got a real job to do! Every wife should  realise that her husband needs her to help him get his lots together and to also help him search for them. From his shirts to the files he guessed he brought home to the car keys, he needs your continual assistance to keep them safe.
He Needs Time Alone

Every wife should know that her husband needs to be alone sometimes. They like to go out , perhaps hang out with friends, or just simply take sometime away from you and the kids for awhile. This does not necessarily mean his interest in his family is beginning to wear out rather he just needs to be free even if its for just five minutes. Give him some space and it could possibly help him feel afresh and his love for you and the kids rekindled. 

Husbands Like Their Meals Timely

"The way to a man's heart is through his stomach". If you want your husband to continue being affectionate towards you, don't gamble with his meals or meal time. Every wife should know that husbands appreciate good food especially the one served at the right time.

Image result for husband watching football

Husbands Love Sports

Men are competitive in nature. So it is very natural that he would  exude so much enthusiasm when it comes to sports and would crave for the slightest opportunity to hang out talking football or any other sport he fancies. Every wife should endeavour to  understand it's his way of having fun and should try and let him be. 
Husbands Don't Like being Pressured To Do Chores

Most husbands would gladly assist with domestic chores but would definitely decline when being pressured to them.
Every wife should try not to make domestic chores their husband's duties. True, he should assist when he can but he is certainly not obligated to them.

Don't Deny Him Sex For No Reason

 Every wife should know that sex is important for a smooth and thriving marriage. Remember your bodies belong to each other and so long as you are married to him, you do not have absolute right over your body. If you would have to deny your husband of sex, then endeavour to give him an explanation and a good one at that. 
There must be a balance in every aspect of your lives together and sex is one of those key areas. Don't deny your husband sex just because you want to, it's pure punishment.

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