Thursday 15 June 2017

10 Ways To Handle A Difficult In-Law

Image result for mother in laws
After the wedding, comes the hope of living happily ever after. But do we all really get to live happily ever after? Don't we often have the challenges of marriage? of course we all do, but what makes the difference is how you are able to manage every challenge in  your marriage.

Coping with a difficult in-law can indeed be very frustrating, however, there are ways we can manage them and our relationship with them will turn out great.

The difficult in-law could be a mother in-law, who never sees or says anything good about you or a father in-law who  feels his daughter or son made a mistake marrying you.

An in-law could be the meddling sister -in-law or the brother- in -law who believes having him as a brother- in- law is the best thing that has ever happened to you!

Yes, it is no fun hanging around someone who doesn't fancy you and who makes sure you are aware of that.
Not to worry you are not alone, there are so many people facing the same challenge and many have been able to turn things around.

Here are some ways you could adopt, to cope with a difficult in-law:

  • Acceptance: First, you must learn to accept that they are now your family.Try and accept that they are not just your spouse's family they are yours too. 
  • Try and work on yourself:  The problem sometimes could just be YOU. Sometimes it's always easier to see other people's faults and not ours,the problem could just be your attitude.
  • Respect: For love to exist in a family, we must learn to show respect. Your in -laws deserve your utmost respect no matter how old , poor, young, rich, beautiful or otherwise. Do not insult them, quarrel or fight with them.
  • Patience: You need to have a lot of patience in order to cope with a difficult in-law.Whatever he/she may be doing to you will not last forever, that is just the plain truth. Soon than later, that sister- in- law will get married, have kids and will be too busy to think about you. The difficult mother-in-law will be too old to bother you any more,so be patient.
  • Tolerance: I know it requires a lot of inner strength  to tolerate them, but you can do it. No matter what they say or do just tolerate them. I know one day, your virtue will pay off, so try to tolerate and accept them just the way they've chosen to be. Don't allow their attitude affect you, be tolerant.
  • Be Nice: Being a difficult person is too much work, it's really hard work.When people are not nice to you, they are aware of their actions and may probably do it on purpose just to irritate you, but when  you are nice to them, you automatically reverse their motive and then you will be in control and they will be irritated; and when you are extra; extra nice, then you are the champion.
  • Stay bonded with your spouse: Don't allow your in-laws attitude affect your relationship with your spouse, both of you should stick together. When one of you or possibly both of you are facing such situations with your in-law(s), it is a time for you to be closer to each other,because if you are not cautious, it  could lead to a huge problem in your marriage.
  • Be Prayerful: It is only prayers that can really turn situations around.You will be needing a lot of prayers to handle the situation, never forget to pray.
  • Be Happy: That your in-laws are being difficult, is not enough reason to rob you of your happiness. Never allow anyone take away your happiness, you need to shake off any negative feelings or emotions.Your happiness and  your marriage supersedes any challenge that a  difficult in law may pose.
  • Set boundaries: For some people this actually comes first, but I do not think it is advisable to do so first, rather than it solving the issue it actually aggravates it. It is always nice to be around your family including your in-laws.When you set boundaries after your marriage, you have in away pushed them away from your lives and believe me, that is not nice. Remember, they are elderly (mother in-law and father in-law) and naturally, with time the boundaries will set in because they will not have the time  and the energy to meddle in your affairs. However, after trying all the ways listed above and you feel there are no changes, then you can set the boundaries, then they would know their attitude has forced you to do so.

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