that could show if you and your partner are compatible:
You Share Same Views: If you have same opinion about most things, especially controversial topics such as, money, sex, religion, in-laws, work, raising kids and so on.
If you both see things from the same point of view, without argument, persuasion or pressure, then it is a sure sign that you are on the same boat.
Consideration: Considering each other while making certain decision or taking any step, shows compatibility. Being able to think of your partner's feelings and interest in any matter is very important in your relationship.
Eager To Talk To Him/Her: You are both always willing to talk to each other. He or she is the first person you want to tell about any good news or bad news.
Listening To Each Other: You are compatible when you do not find it difficult to listen to each other. Listening to your partner and paying attention to what he or she is saying, creates a lasting bond and a sense of assurance . It makes him/ her know that at any time, there is someone to pour your heart to.
Affectionate: Compatible couples are affectionate towards each other. They care and are kind to themselves.
They Settle Conflicts Easily: Conflicts do happen in every relationship. How easily and readily you settle your differences, goes a long way to show how compatible you both are. Do you escalate issues or find a way around it lovingly and resolve it as fast as possible.

Understand Each Other: Without much words required, compatible partners understand each other. They understand every action or word spoken or unspoken by their partner.
They Have a Chemistry: Partners who are compatible have a chemistry.They bond in all most everything. The attraction usually is so strong that you can almost touch it.
Friends: When you are friends in all sense of it, then be rest assured that you are compatible.
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