Friday 9 June 2017

Tips On How To Find A Life Partner

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Are you single and searching? Everyone desires to have a fulfilled marriage but this actually lies mainly on the choice we make in getting a  life partner. Choosing a right life partner is

a sure step to a "happy ever after" marriage. What then are the ways to find an ideal life partner? Here are some tips that could help:

  • How ready are you: The  first thing is to be certain about your decision. You need to be certain about being  prepared to start a new chapter in your life. If you are convinced enough,u then half of the work is done.
  • Who do you want?: When in a search, it is important to be specific. You should have an idea of what or who you are looking for. To find a life partner, you should have a picture of  who you want and the qualities you want to see in such person. Having an idea of  who that person should be will make  your search easier and more focused. Although, this does not work 100%  for everyone as some people could be completely won over by partner's who are an exact opposite of the picture they had in mind. It is true what they say, love is blind.
  • Avoid Being desperate or sticking to desperate people: Being desperate, could lead to making wrong choices. You probably may end up settling for anyone that comes your way. When you are desperate about getting a life partner, you will sound desperate. It will certainly reflect in your attitude and in your words and that could make you very vulnerable. Sticking to desperate people will not help you either. Marriage is a life-time commitment, you don't allow yourself to be pushed, rushed or cajoled into it.
  • Get to know the person: This is the basis of any lasting relationship. You must get to know the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.You need to know his or her weaknesses and strengths.You have to be sure you are compatible. You need to spend time together, talk, socialise, ask questions, express yourselves, know if you see things differently or if you are of like minds. Will he or she respect and carry you along ? Do you have a connection or not. These simple things are what will hold your relationship together later, so you really need to find out about them.
  •  Be friendly: Everyone likes to associate with a friendly person. Be nice, be happy, be accommodating, be easy to talk to. Don't hold grudges. Relax and be fun to be with.
  • Take care of you appearance: "First impression, they say last longer". Be neat, not necessarily expensive. In fact the simpler, the better. Keep your clothes, nails, mouth, feet, hair, neat. Be clean. Your appearance is very important. If you are neat, you will surely attract a neat person  but if you choose to be dirty, you probably would attract a dirty person, except of course if God is on your side. I strongly think being dirty is a choice.You don't have to be rich in order to be neat.
  • Get someone who you can be yourself with: If you can't be yourself with him or her, believe me, it is not worth the effort. Marriage is far more interesting and lively when you are married to a friend. You need someone you can be free with, someone who will accept you just the way you are. If you involved with the one you'll need to pretend to, then it would also amount to a life time of pretence. 
  • Pray about it: Never forget to pray. It is only the Almighty God, who can help you find that partner who will give you peace, joy, happiness and fulfilment in your relationship.


  1. There will be times when you’re grumpy and snappy, and if your partner is going through that and snaps about something random, my response


Disclaimer: Comments found here are entirely the opinions of the writers and does not reflect the views or opinions of Ify Arowojolu.