Friday 9 June 2017

7 Simple Ways To Keep A Relationship Exciting

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The excitement in a new relationship somethings could be overwhelming and may encompass everything else in your life. The spark in the relationship, lights up everything within you and around you.
You seem not to get enough of that significant person in your life, you want to be around him or her, talk, walk and do almost about everything together.

However, at a point in time in that relationship, you find out the excitement and the euphoria  you experienced initially begins to die down, most times for no particular reason, the whole feeling could start to fade out, not because you don't feel the same way about him or her but slowly, the 'fire' begins to diminish uncontrollably.

 So, what do you do to keep the 'fire burning' in your relationship and keep the excitement alive?

Talk About How You Feel Maturely

When it comes to being bored in a relationship, you might be the only one walking on that lane. Your significant other, might just be having the greatest time of his/ her life with you. He or she might just be enjoying the way things are and not seeing any changes at all. That is why it is necessary to open up and let him/her understand how you feel and possibly find a way around it together.

Go Back To The Past  

There could be certain things or places you used to visit, that you found fascinating when you both started the relationship. Why not do those things again or visit such places. Things could just turn around.

Pay Surprise Visits

You could just pay him or her an unexpected visit at work, school or where ever you were not expected to visit. Give him or her a surprise.

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Surprise Gifts

Most people appreciate gifts especially when it is not expected. You could surprise your spouse with a gift, no matter how small.

Hang Out Together More often

Neglecting your spouse, can go a long way to harm your relationship. It is important to have ample time for your spouse no matter how busy you are. If you are usually away due to work or any other reason, try to always make up for it whenever you can and never stop telling them how much you wish you want to spend more time with them. It is usually more reassuringly and would help them understand the situation better.

Your appearance

You need to take a critical look at your appearance when in a relationship. You may have a partner who  is not really bothered about your looks, but remember he or she is human and every human being appreciates good looks. Take care of yourself and how you present yourself before your partner, it matters too.

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Be Fun To Be With

 Be happy, stop complaining, have fun ,smile, laugh, joke, take things easy, live life, be approachable, be nice, be exciting and then you will see no one will be bored  and your relationship will be as exciting as ever.

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